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Monday, December 12, 2011

Ghosts of Flight 401

This tragedy took place 12/29/1972. Some years later, a movie was made about this event and I saw it. I seem to recall that the flight engineer would appear to people on board any L-1011 aircraft that was using salvaged parts from the crashed airplane.  Lots of rumors swirled around the ghost or ghosts of Flight 401.  I heard that the whole "apparitions" thing was very hush- hush, and any Eastern employee that said he or she had seen the ghost was required to visit the company shrink.  Details about the crash can be found on Wikipedia Eastern Air Lines Flight 401.

The wonderful blog, Southern Spirit Guide, has a brief article about a haunting at Miami International Airport and, in part, has this to say: "... legend speaks of the form of the plane’s captain, Robert Loft, being seen in the airport near where the ticket counters for Eastern Airlines once stood and disappearing into the old Eastern concourse.
In the annals of paranormal phenomena, this plane crash is the focus of many stories. Stories abound of the appearance of the captain and 2nd Officer Don Repo on planes that utilized parts recovered from the crash site. After these stories began to surface, Eastern Airlines reportedly removed all these parts from service. Additionally, during the recovery efforts for victims, many working in the swamps late at night heard whimpering and sobbing and saw phantom faces in the black water."

My sister and I took her little airplane out for a flight over Miami one day, ages ago.  We flew very low over the beach area (and I saw sharks in the water very close to the swimmers!) and then we flew over the Everglades, and over the area where Flight 401 went down.

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