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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lincoln Death Train

I stumbled upon this story of the ghostly Lincoln Death Train. If any of you have heard of this, or would like to comment, I'd love to hear from you!

Lincoln Death Train: From Ghost Stories at

Thursday, August 4, 2011


What, if anything, will happen 12/21/2012?

Bill Homann is the present guardian of the F.A. Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull.  The skull was passed on to him for safekeeping by Anna Mitchell-Hedges, the late daughter of Mr. Mitchell-Hedges.  Here's what Mr. Homann has to say about 12/21/2012:


With these words, Bill Homann draws a clear line between all that has been wrongfully said of the December 21st, 2012 prophecy to date, and of its true meaning. Nothing disastrous or devastating will happen on this date: quite simply, according to the Mayan Calendar, it will be the end of a very long cycle which began on August 13th, 3114 BC.

As was the case for the year 1000, when there was talk of an inevitable “thousand and a thousand no more”, once again now there are catastrophic prophecies. It is human nature to fear the “end”, whatever cycle it may be.

Undoubtedly the astronomic cycles calculated by the Maya were extremely precise. However, the fact remains that their interpretation needs to be more contained, and above all it should be read in the same spirit as the Maya who formulated the prophecy.
Bill is firmly convinced that “something” will happen on that date, but nothing devastating. We will experience a change of era, and man will be able to gain a greater connection with nature and with the whole world. We will have the possibility to grasp the deeper meaning of things, and everything will become clearer.

It will not be the end of the world, but the beginning of a new way of thinking, and thus of living.

This is the code with which to decipher the end of this cycle: an opportunity given to humankind for love to be the key word in this new phase. For this reason the Crystal Skull must become a tangible symbol of this deep global renewal.

The Skull of Doom: Fact and Fiction

Last night I watched the Ancient Aliens program on the History Channel called Ancient Aliens and the Old Southwest, and it included a segment on F. A. Mitchell-Hedges and his famous Skull of Doom crystal skull, as well as his relationship with the writer Ambrose Bierce.

Click here to read article Legend of the Crystal Skulls by Jane MacLaren Walsh in Archaeology Magazine, Vol. 61, Number 3, May/June 2008.

Click here to read the article The Skull of Doom by Jane MacLaren Walsh in Archaeology Magazine Online Features, May 27, 2010.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ghosts, Hauntings, Paranormal

Deering Estate, Miami, Florida

I'm going to catch the Deering Haunted Tour one day!

I've visited the Deering Estate numerous times, during the day, but never "felt" or "saw" anything paranormal. 

If you've been on the Haunted Tour, please let me know!  Also, if you haven't been on the tour, but have had a paranormal encounter at the Deering Estate, I'd love to hear from you!

Update!  My sister is going to check out future haunted tour dates, so when I get back to The Magic City, I just might be able to go on this tour!!!!!!!!!!!

Check out this NPR article:

Here's a link to the Deering Estate's website Ghost Tour Page.  This is a definite for me when I go to the Magic City Again.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Bebo's Birthday and Visits from his Spirit

My mother's brother, nicknamed Bebo, died of spinal meningitis in Cuba many years ago when he was just ten years old.  His birthday was August 1st and sometimes on this date, odd things happen to members of my family.  Several of us are convinced that these odd occurences are Bebo's spirit contacting us. 

Here's a telling of two of Bebo's contacts with us:

Many years ago, on an evening of the 1st of August, the day of Bebo's birthday, my Mom and brother Charlie were sitting in the family room of our home in Hialeah.  They saw what they described as a perfectly round "moon" in an orange-ish color floating in front of one of the walls of our family room.  I now know that they saw an orb, but back then, I didn't know the word "orb."  My mother and brother were stunned by the fact that this round object, very solid in its makeup, was not reflected on the wall, but rather, was floating a few inches in front of the wall.  It remained visible for a short time and then slowly dissipated.

My uncle, Tio Nene, and my aunt, Conchita, experienced something powerful and frightening on an August 1st many years ago, in their Indianapolis home.  Everyone in the house was asleep--my aunt and uncle, my aunt's mother, Oli, and my cousins, Bibi and Chino--when they heard very loud noises coming from the first floor of the house.  The noises sounded like burglars in the house so my uncle immediately contacted their neighborhood security.  My uncle opened his bedroom door and yelled to the others in the house to lock their doors and stay in their rooms, and that he'd called security.  As my aunt waited for security to arrive, she remembered that there was quite a bit of cash in the kitchen underneath the dining table's centerpiece, and she figured that would be stolen.  The noises--banging and breaking noises--were so loud that my aunt and uncle expected to find their house destroyed.  When security arrived, however, they found that no doors or windows had been broken, or even disturbed, and when they came into the house and the family came downstairs, everything on the first floor was in perfect order.  Nothing had been disturbed, and even the cash on the dining table was just where my aunt had left it.  My aunt said they were very embarrassed in trying to explain what had happened to the security people, however, she took comfort from the fact that the entire family heard the racket, so she knew she didn't imagine it! 

I'm troubled by this experience.  It happened on an August 1st--Bebo's birthday--and that's the date that he generally chooses to "manifest" to his family, but why did he scare my family?  From all accounts, Bebo was a sweet child, so the poltergeist-like activity experienced by my family in Indiana doesn't quite fit the picture of the spirit of a gentle boy, whereas the experience my Mom and brother had, witnessing the orb, is definitely what I'd expect from Bebo.

Any thoughts, anyone?

Kallawayas: The Nomadic Medicine men of Bolivia

I first learned of the existence of the Kallawayas in July 2011 while watching a program on PBS called "The Linguists."  Two young men from America travel extensively throughout the world in an attempt to record, and possibly save, endangered languages. They report that there are 7,000 languages in existence in our world today, and that's after losing many others. When these men visited Bolivia, they were searching for the Kallawaya language spoken by a tribe of people known as the Kallawayas.  The Kallawayas are healers. The narrators said that the language is primarily one of medicinal, healing, plant, and animal terms, and this fascinated me.  Here's an article about the Kallawayas from the World Health Organization.