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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ghosts, Hauntings, Paranormal

Deering Estate, Miami, Florida

I'm going to catch the Deering Haunted Tour one day!

I've visited the Deering Estate numerous times, during the day, but never "felt" or "saw" anything paranormal. 

If you've been on the Haunted Tour, please let me know!  Also, if you haven't been on the tour, but have had a paranormal encounter at the Deering Estate, I'd love to hear from you!

Update!  My sister is going to check out future haunted tour dates, so when I get back to The Magic City, I just might be able to go on this tour!!!!!!!!!!!

Check out this NPR article:

Here's a link to the Deering Estate's website Ghost Tour Page.  This is a definite for me when I go to the Magic City Again.


Lewis Powell IV said...

I just saw your comment on my blog. What an interesting blog you have! I'd love to know more about the Deering Estate as well.

Sylvie said...

My sister tells me that the Deering Estate hosts monthly ghost tours most of the year. I hope to participate in one of those this coming spring.

The estates's grounds are spectacular. It sits on the water, and when Hurricane Andrew hit Miami in 1992, the surge was so big that you could see the water mark on the wall of the home's second floor. A huge restoration project took place after the storm, and when I visited Deering in 2010, all looked beautiful.

Besides "ghost hunting," Deering offers great nature walks--I took the one to see butterflies--that take place in the daytime and at night. Lots of concerts are hosted on the grounds.

Deering is a magical place.