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Monday, December 19, 2011

Deities, Saints, Angels, Elementals

Erzulie Freda
The following is from a wonderful blog titled The Sacred & The Divine.  I recommend that you hop on over to it and read the posts.  In the meantime, I've copied this material regarding Erzulie Freda, whom I did not know, but with whom I'm very happy to now be acquainted.  She sounds lovely!

This is Erzulie Freda's veve (symbol)
"Erzulie Freda is one of the most powerful Voodoo goddesses to work with. As the lover of powerful spirits, she wields great authority and power, perhaps the most effective and influential in the pantheon. If she smiles on you, great blessings will be experienced in the realm of love, romance, and sex.

Synchronized with the Virgin Mary, she is pure, good, and benefic, and also extends great protection. If you are a woman seeking to take another woman's husband do not appeal to Erzulie! As a benefic goddess, she will not help with intentions such as those, no matter how passionate you may be. If your heart, intent, and agenda is pure, she will surely come to your aid. Once she has smiled upon you, and rituals to her have resulted in movement, make sure offerings are made with regularity, and communication with her remains open. She will continue to aid you in your love affair.

"Offerings to her are champagne, cake, luxurious food, jewelry, and clothing. She loves the colors pink and pale blue. The use of her veve (symbol) is also necessary in rituals.
She is one of my favorite goddesses to work with, especially when all the rituals have failed, she will intercede. I have seen her make the most distant and uninterested people warm and tender, she brings men home, keeps them home, stops philandering, stops hurtfulness, abuse, cheating, keeps your love faithful and kind. She also intensifies your seductive abilities, infusing you with her charm." 
Once again, I would like give credit to the blog, The Sacred & The Divine (link at top of this post); itis the source of the material you have just read.  Check out the blog; it's very informative.

Ochun and Yemaya 
The information below comes from information published by Moma Sarah, an ETSY vendor.  Her ETSY site is lovely, so check it out, and buy yourself a little good juju!
"Yemaya is a West African creation goddess, often depicted as a mermaid. She is associated with the moon, the ocean, and female mysteries. Typically portrayed as a beautiful woman, Yemaya governs the household and intervenes in women's affairs. She is a merciful goddess, invoked by women for aid in childbirth, love, and healing. She rules over the conception and birth of children and ensures their safety during childhood. As a creation goddess, Yemaya's womb spilled forth the fourteen Yoruba goddesses and gods, and the breaking of her uterine waters caused a great flood, which created the oceans. From her body the first human woman and man, who became the parents of all mortal beings on Earth, were born.
"Yemaya nurtures, heals, touches, blesses, comforts, and makes whole that which is incomplete. She is within you and you need only look inside yourself to find her eternal presence.

"Yemaya's name may be spelled Yemalla, Yemalia, Yemanja, and many other ways. She rules the sea, the Moon, dreams, deep secrets, sea shells, ancient wisdom, salt water, fresh water, ocean secrets, the collective unconscious, and the surface of the ocean, seas, and lakes. Her many titles include Queen of Witches, Mother of Fishes, The Constantly Coming Woman, The Ocean Mother, Mother of Dreams and Secrets, Mother of All, Mother of the Sea, Holy Queen of the Sea, The Womb of Creation, Mother of Pearl, Stella Maris (star of the sea), and Yeyé Omo Eja, Mother Whose Children Are the Fish. In Africa she is Mama Watta, Mother of Waters.  In Cuban Santeria, Yemaya is "Cachita," La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre.  My Note:  I believe that the statement contained in the last sentence is not correct.  In Cuban Santeria, Yemaya is La Virgen de Regla, protectress of Havana Bay.  (Source:  Longing for Darkness:  Tara and the Black Madonna by China Galland).  Ochun is the name assigned to La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre.

This is La Virgen de Regla, Havana, Cuba
In the west African religion of Santeria, she is
known as Yemaya

This is La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre,
Cuba's Patron
In the west African religion of Santeria, she is
known as Ochun

"The cowrie shell is Yemaya's symbol, and fish are sacred to her. Her jewels include crystals, pearls, and mother of pearl. Blue, white, and silver are Yemaya's colors. Seven is her number. Yemaya is celebrated on February 2 and December 31, when offerings are made to her. She is also honored on September 7, September 9, and on the eve of Summer Solstice, by casting flowers and votive boats into water. There is a Brazilian tradition of the candelaria on December 31, lighting candles on the beach at midnight for Yemanje. Votive boats made from flowers are cast into the sea. It is a good omen for the coming year if she accepts your boat, and carries it out to sea. It is a bad omen if your offering is refused, and your boat is washed back upon the shore.

"Invoke Yemaya for blessings, compassion, wisdom, fertility, creation, riches, inspiration, motherhood, female power, natural wealth, love spells, wish magic, sea spells, fertility rituals, water magic, women's issues, having children, sustaining life, washing away sorrow, revealing mysteries, acquiring ancient wisdom, protecting the home, learning not to give your power away, and comforting children in crisis. Invoke her as Erzulie for beauty, good fortune, and good health. Invoke her as Yemoja to cure infertility, as Yemana for rain, as Emanjah for teaching children, as Yemaya Olokun for dream magic and protecting babies in the womb; and as Yemaya Ataramagwa for money spells. Invoke Yemaya as Agwe for affection and blessings.

"Yams, grain, soap, perfume, jewelry, and fabric are all traditional offerings to Yemaya, thrown into the sea. Rams are also sacrificed to her. Wear pearls or crystal beads to invoke her. To ask Yemaya to grant a wish or bestow a blessing, write her a letter and cast it into the sea."

Zadkiel The Archangel

The following information concerning the Great Archangel Zadkiel (apparently he's very close to me) comes from the website  I have quoted directly from the site.  After the quote, you might be interested in my own comments as to how I became familiar with Archangel Zadkiel, and the blessed Zadkiel Key I own.

Zadkiel, who is also often known as Tzadqiel or Hesediel, is a great and mighty archangel of mercy, freedom, benevolence, and absolute forgiveness. Translated from ancient Hebrew into English, the name Zadkiel is said to mean Righteousness of God, The Righteousness One, or God's Righteousness. On a rare occasion you might also come across the name Zadkiel spelled as Tzadkiel, Zedekiel, Sachiel, Zedekul, or even Zadakiel. According to Rabbinical teachings Zadkiel is the Patron Archangel of all humans who exhibit forgiveness, and he is also the heavenly prince of mercy. Legend has it that Zadkiel was the holy archangel that stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac. Orthodox Jews also believe that the holy archangel Zadkiel and Jophiel are the two mighty standard bearers who follow the great archangel Michael each time that he marches into battle. Along with Michael and Jophiel, Zadkiel helped cast the great prince Lucifer out of heaven.

With regard to rabbinic scripture, the archangel Zadkiel is ranked among the great order of Hashmallim, which is on par with the order of Dominions and Dominations. Zadkiel is also considered by many to be the great commander or ruler of the Hashmallim order. With the Maseket Azilut, the archangel is also considered to be the co-captain or co-commander of the holy order of Shinanim, with it's other commander being the renown archangel Gabriel. Being the archangel of mercy as Zadkiel is said to be, he is widely accredited with being the unnamed canonical archangel that prevented Abraham from killing Isaac with a knife. Many Jewish and Christian scholars share this belief, which makes Zadkiel an official canonical scripture backed archangel, which is significant because many of the archangels are derived from the noncanonical scripture such as the Book of Enoch. These noncanonical backed archangels usually have trouble staying recognized.

With regard to the odd world of occult and Western Judeo Christian inspired ritual magic, Zadkiel is well recognized as both a great archangel, as well as the watcher of the planet Jupiter. Zadkiel also holds the fourth position within the Sephirot, which is the position of mercy. There are many New Age or mysticism driven magic rituals featuring Zadkiel, for example I came across several excerpts within spell books and charm books which call for a mercy driven binding spell. It is claimed that if a prayer or summoning is conducted to draw out Zadkiel's power, that it can be aimed at someone who's heart if full of vengeance, and once touched by the archangel's holy essence, they will let go of their grudge or ill will. In some of these magic rituals a group will bind Zadkiel's power of mercy with a small crystal, and then that crystal is to be given as a necklace or bracelet to the person harboring unforgiveness or a grievance against the magic spell's binder.

When it comes to artistic representations of the archangel Zadkiel, there are many beautiful contemporary pieces in circulation. Zadkiel is often associated with the color violet or purple, and thus most of the paintings that you will see that feature the angel are bright and colorful. In many of these paintings that exist, some of which are earlier period pieces from centuries past, Zadkiel will be seen wearing a long flowing violet colored robe and sash, and having outstretch pure white angelic wings. The angel is also usually seen with a flaming sword, a symbolic reference to the fact that Zadkiel is a warrior archangel, who serves under Michael. There are also many digital created paintings and artful interpretations available that feature Zadkiel. All of these are contemporary pieces obviously, and most of them are breathtaking in the range of violets and pastels that they possess. I will post some these photos of Zadkiel here in the very near future.
A few months ago, I purchased a vintage key from an ETSY vendor whose shop is named RitaSpiritualGoods.  My Key has an an image of Archangel Zadkiel mounted on the front ofit.  The lady from this shop asked me to allow her to select my Archangel, so she used whatever information she gleaned from me, intuitively, and selected Archangel Zadkiel for me.  When she mailed the Key to me, she also provided a page of information.  It's been wonderful.  I love the Key.  Sometimes I wear it, sometimes I keep it with my sacred things on my desk.  It is powerful.  It's funny, but sometimes I see a violet spark in the air.  Turns out, violet is Archangel Zadkiel's color.  OK, I've rambled on long enough.  Here's Rita's Spiritual Goods info on these sacred keys:

Ritas Guardian Angel Vintage Key Amulet NUMBER 624

Ritas Guardian Angel Vintage Key Hoodoo Magnolia Bud Amulet NUMBER 189 - Let the angels guide you financially
This is my Key

Have you ever seen repetitive numbers? Have you ever had a strange number appear over and over on different things in a short period of time? Have you ever needed answers to questions or thoughts you hold in your head? Would you believe me if I told you those numbers are actually angels speaking to you?

Choose your amulet by the number that speaks to you. The numbers have even more significance making these amulets unique to you and the angels that are around you RIGHT NOW. With your purchase of the key you will receive a special message from the angels surrounding you, guiding you and protecting you. A divine intervention if you will.

Inspired by My Sister Michelle and the guardian angels that surround us and protect us these original designs are brought to you to act as a sort of “worry stone.” Wear this angel key to remind yourself that you are protected and loved by your guardians and whenever you are feeling nervous or vulnerable just grab the key and hold it or rub it to relieve your worries. You can also use the number as a mantra and every time you say it your particular angels will come into action.

These vintage keys are so incredibly magical. You can feel their energy the minute you put them your hand. They have traveled through many locked doors each time being opened by a new spirit and new adventures, rebirth. A Key symbolizes opportunities. They bring the power to unlock your dreams, inner feelings , emotions and answers to problems. They represent your adaptability to a situation and help to overcome obstacles in your way. They hold properties of access, control, success, responsibility, secrets, protection and fertility.

These also make beautiful gifts. You as an Earth angel can channel the energy of a friend or loved ones needs and give them the gift of angels.

**These are also perfect for that man in your life, remember you can put these on your KEY CHAIN and carry it with you EVERYWHERE.

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